Do you have an acute or chronic illness?

Do you have an acute or chronic illness and why it is important to know the difference?

An acute illness has a definitive beginning and end, and your body is able to resolve the illness on its own in a short period of time.

A chronic illness is recurring and also one that has lasted more than 2 weeks.  In other words, your system has become stuck and it has not been able to resolve the illness on its own, so it has now become a chronic illness. 

Some examples of chronic illness or conditions are: frequent colds, flu and coughs; seasonal allergies and food allergies, recurring UTIs and headaches, anxiety and depression, and the list goes on.  Even though these conditions come and go, they are chronic because they keep coming back.  Your system has not permanently resolved them like an acute illness and there is an underlying susceptibility that has not been resolved.

Homeopathy treats both chronic and acute illnesses.

If you or your child have an acute illness you can learn to treat this illness at home using well chosen homeopathic remedies. Generally speaking, if the condition is mild and has not lasted more than 2 weeks only a few doses of the best matching remedy will help resolve the acute illness.

However, if you have a chronic illness in essence this means your system is stuck and there is a weakness and susceptibility that remains from a deep place, this includes mental and emotional symptoms, as well as, physical symptoms.  This means that the symptoms you are experiencing are coming from a much deeper more complex underlying imbalance.

How can a homeopath help your chronic illness?

When this deeper underlying imbalance is understood and touch by a homeopathic remedy, then the symptoms and chronic illness that you have been experiencing will begin to resolve permanently and relief overall will be experienced.  Your system has been stimulated into a healing response from a deep underlying imbalance and will move into a place of strength and balance on all levels through this healing response.

As a professional homeopath I seek to understand, through a full consultation, your chronic condition on an in depth level, by looking at the many individual aspects of your illness before deciding on the best homeopathic remedy. The individual homeopathic remedy that I choose for you will stimulate your system from a deep level to re-balance from the inside out and resolve the symptoms from where your condition is stemming from. For example: ten different people with migraine headaches may each receive different homeopathic remedies because each person experiences their headaches differently and the underlying root cause is different. 

 Questions? Book a Free-15 minute video chat, so we can meet.