Homeopathic Remedies for Travel – Part 1

Are you planning on going away this Winter and would like to add some safe and effective remedies to your first-aid kit? Depending on where you will be going, and the kind of activities you will be doing, homeopathic remedies can be used for a variety of conditions.  Homeopathic remedies act quickly, are safe and gentle to use for adults and children, and are especially helpful when medical attention is not readily available and can help prevent conditions from getting worse and ruining your trip.  For minor conditions and injuries, here are a few to consider:


Belladonna, is used for high fevers that come on suddenly during early stages of an illness, sore throats or ear aches that are very red and sore, and injuries that are throbbing and red, as well as, heat stroke with throbbing headache and red face.  Glonoine, is also useful for heatstroke where the headache is made worse by bending forward.  For itchy hives brought on by getting wet or in cold weather, or contact with unknown vegetation, try Rhus Tox.  Hives brought on by bathing, try Urtica urensAconite, is for shock, panic, fear and restlessness after an injury or accident or for anticipation for those who have a fear of flying.  Gelsemium, is also helpful for fear of flying when lethargy becomes the dominant symptom accompanying the fear.  Arsenicum Album, is effective for food poisoning. Ipecac, for persistant nausea with vomiting and made worse by the smell of food. Nux Vomica, is useful for digestive problems that are brought on my over use of alcohol, coffee and eating rich foods.  Veratrum Album, is use when there violent diarrhea, colicky cramps and violent vomiting. Pulsatilla, for digestive complaints brought on by eating rich foods, especially fats and ice cream.  Hypericum,  is helpful in relieving pain from injuries to parts rich in nerves, such as crushed fingers and toes, or falls on the tailbone. Apis, is useful for insect bites when there is much swelling and redness and marked relief from cold application. Ledum, is also used for insect bites to prevent swelling and taken in the initial stages.  Staphysagria, is useful for mosquito bites that get large and red. Cocculus, is used for motion sickness, either during or right before travel if you know that you or your child are prone to motion sickness where nausea, vomiting and dizziness are experienced.  Ruta, is effective for injuries of torn and wrenched tendons, split ligaments of joints and for bruises of bones, better from rest.  Rhus tox, can be used for wrenched tendons and ligaments that feel better from movement. Arnica, is the first remedy after accidents and injuries from falls for bruises and swelling, or for physical over exertion and over-straining. 


Homeopathic remedies can be found at most pharmacies and health food stores and are compact and easy to travel with.  Take the above remedies in a 30c potency and up to 3-5 doses ( 1-3 pellets) of your chosen remedy 20 – 30 minutes apart at the onset symptoms.  Once there is improvement of the symptoms then do not continue taking the remedy.  If your symptoms return, however, then repeat the same remedy again. Do not continue to take the remedy if there is no improvement after 3-5 doses, try a different remedy homeopathic that matches your symptoms.


If the condition is serious or becomes worse it is advisable to seek medical attention as soon as possible.  Homeopathic remedies can be taken while seeking medical attention, or if not immediately available, to help prevent symptoms from getting worse.  If symptoms persist beyond your trip, seek help from a professional homeopath.