Homeopathy for Women’s Health and Hormones

Are you or your daughter experiencing any uncomfortable symptoms related to your hormones? Do you feel a sense of imbalance?

When it comes to women’s health the reproductive system is one the most important areas that indicate health and balance.  The reproductive system is a direct reflection of the nervous system and hormones and if symptoms are presenting in this area of the body this is an indication of an imbalance of the whole person.

As a homeopath, I understand that women struggling with hormonal and reproductive system issues will often have an underlying emotional component and root cause that is connected to their symptoms.  This emotional component can be related to lifestyle, work stresses or relationship issues.  Women especially, can struggle with finding a balance of self-care in their lives, not just physically, but on a deeper emotional level by over-compensating and denying parts of themselves.  When these kinds of conflicts are occurring internally and externally in a woman’s life symptoms can show up in the reproductive system in some form of imbalance.

Hormonal imbalances and disorders in the reproductive organs can occur at any stage in a women’s life, ranging from early development in girls with menstrual difficulties, to pregnancy and breastfeeding issues, ovarian cysts, infertility and miscarriages, any abnormality in the menstrual cycle, PMS, uterine fibroids, to struggling with menopausal symptoms. As a homeopath, I will look at all aspects of a woman’s health and decide on the most individual homeopathic remedy for her that will assist her whole system to re-balance and restore a feeling of well being.

Even though the reproductive system is delicate it is possible for a woman to experience hormonal balance and a healthy reproductive system throughout their whole life.  Emotions can have a significant impact on our bodies, so if a woman is dealing with suppressed emotions or a lot of negativity and stress emotionally this will have an impact on her overall health and over time symptoms and disease begin to present themselves in the body.

Mild, occasional conditions of vaginitis, cystitis and menstrual cramps can be treated at home using homeopathic remedies. However, if they are recurring and persistent then seek the help of a professional homeopath to treat the condition from a deeper level as this indicates a chronic underlying condition. For complex chronic conditions such as irregular periods, uterine fibroids, breast conditions, sexual difficulties, severe menopausal symptoms, PMS and abnormal menstrual bleeding seek the help of a professional homeopath.

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