Homeopathy for Pregnancy, Childbirth and Babies

“I first came to Canteris when I was 9+ months pregnant and came down with shingles.  I had never been to a homeopath before but I felt comfortable with the idea of homeopathic treatment during pregnancy so I decided to give it a try.  As my acute illness ran its course, I sought Canteris’ help for my new problem of being overdue. We worked together for a day or two, and I went into labour shortly after leaving her office.  Canteris also provided me with round-the-clock telephone consultation while I was in labour, and a kit of remedies to call-on, as required. I don’t remember the details of the homeopathic treatment I received during labour, but my midwives remarked that I improved following each treatment.  Canteris has since helped my son with a range of issues such as colic, teething and digestive problems.  Even more remarkable, she has helped my “highly strung” son to be more calm and comfortable.  I am very grateful for Canteris’ help and for introducing me to homeopathy.”
Jennifer P, Gibsons, BC

Pregnancy, childbirth and caring for ones own new born child can be one of the most empowering and emotional times for a woman.  As a homeopath, and a mother, I can say without a doubt that homeopathy is one of the most effective supports women can have during this sensitive and dynamic time.  However, the full use and effectiveness of homeopathy during pregnancy and childbirth is still really not known.  Some midwives use a handful of homeopathic remedies, but not to the extent that can give the fullest support to a mother and her baby.  A trained homeopath working along side a midwife adds a whole other level of support for a woman, both complimenting the midwife’s work and the woman’s.  Homeopathy comes from a place of gently assisting a woman’s own natural process when it is needed, helping to ensure a safe, natural and desired delivery.

Often women will come to me at the end of their pregnancy when they are overdue or their baby is breech, needing to go into labour and not wanting medical intervention.  A common homeopathic remedy for breech position is Pulsatilla.  During a homeopathic consultation I make sure that there are no other looming obstacles preventing the baby from turning and going into the presenting position, I then give the mother the remedy Pulsatilla.  In some cases only one dose of the remedy is needed to help the baby move into the presenting position and the woman go into labour.  Another example, in cases where the baby is ready and everyone seems ready, I find during the homeopathic consultation that the woman is holding back emotionally from fear or anticipatory anxiety.  Giving a well chosen homeopathic remedy specific to the woman’s emotional state in this situation will help induce labour naturally.  The movement into labour occurs, because the remedy has naturally helped the woman release that fear or anxiety which was preventing her body from “getting down to business”.  One of the beauties of homeopathy, especially during labour, is that remedies are prescribed based on what a woman is experiencing emotionally, not just physically.  The two are inseparable.  The body holds back because of what is going on emotionally.

Once labour is in motion, homeopathy is especially supportive during long labours when a woman feels she cannot carry on or is in extreme pain for example. Giving a homeopathic remedy specific to a woman’s emotional or physical symptoms at that time will assist her greatly, helping her move into a more progressive labour. Treating a woman homeopathically during pregnancy can help to alleviate some underlying emotional hurdles that may arise during her labour. It can also prepare her body physically and help to alleviate any discomforts, prevent complications and even miscarriages. Although, homeopathy can still be immensely supportive for a woman and her baby through labour even is she has not received prior homeopathic treatment.

A common homeopathic remedy like Arnica, is usually indicated at some point during pregnancy and labour, but also following labour as well, for exhaustion and physical healing and for any trauma the baby experienced particularly to the head.  When there is weakness and soreness Arnica will work magic to help quicken recovery for both Mom and baby.  In more serious cases, for example, such as asphyxia, failure of the baby to breathe at birth, remedies like Carbo Veg will act quickly and effectively as can Arnica in this case too.

There is no general way of prescribing homeopathic remedies.  Each woman is unique as is her pregnancy, labour and her baby.  I prescribe a homeopathic remedy based on careful observation of what is individually happening with the mother and her baby and based on a specific emotional component.  Finding a well indicated remedy and knowing when to repeat it (or not!) is partly what makes homeopathy so effective.

Once baby is out into the world then homeopathy will continue to support mother and child with all that arises from anything from colic to breast feeding difficulties, mastitis, post-partum hemorrhaging and depression and unresolved trauma that occurred during labour and childbirth to mother and baby.  Being treated homeopathically early in life, will help resolve any trauma, preventing a more chronic condition from developing later, both physically and emotionally. With homeopathic remedies being so safe and non-toxic, they are especially suited for a wee baby and young children. Nurturing a newborn into the world can be a challenging time for a woman.  With homeopathy’s deep and holistic approach it is naturally supportive for both mom and baby which makes their transition into a new life together easier and more enjoyable.

Canteris A. Hartley, DCH, HMC, has been practising Classical Homeopathy for over 22years, specializing in young families.